HOOKED: Boston Terries Hockey #4 Read online

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Maddie: What’s next?

  Me: I could tell you, but you’ll open your big mouth to Clover.

  Maddie: You’re an ingrate. I helped you out and now you won’t trust me?

  Me: I may not know everything about women, but I know you can’t keep a secret worth shit.

  Maddie: Whatever.

  I laugh. Her reply means that she’s giving in because I’m right.

  “You seem happy this morning,” Donovan points out as he walks into the kitchen and pours himself a coffee.

  “Step number one in project ‘win Clover back’ was a success.”

  “That’s great, but now you need to up the ante. Not too much—just take it up one notch.”

  “That makes sense. I think what I wanted to do next, I’d better save for later. You got me thinking.”

  Donovan leans back against the counter, taking a sip of his coffee. “Do you need an idea? I’m not Mr. Romance, but I could be if the right girl inspired me.”

  Something about his manner has me wondering if there’s a girl he’s interested in for more than a quick lay.

  “I have some ideas, but hit me with one anyway. I’m going to need more than I can think of myself. Plus, some things I had to order online and they won’t be in for a couple of days.”

  “You could have food from her favorite restaurant delivered for dinner,” he suggests.

  “She does love Chinese food. That’s a thoughtful gesture, right?” I ask.

  “I think it is, but she’s a chick, so who knows?”

  I push my hair back from my face. “This is harder than I expected. I’m overthinking everything.”

  “That’s the danger with chicks. It’s how they trap you,” Donovan replies solemnly.

  I nod my agreement. “I think by the time we know we’re trapped, it’s too late. All we can do is try to keep the runaway train from going completely off the rails.” Hasn’t Clover had a hold on me since we were teens? I may not have acted on it, but once I did, there’s no escaping. I’m her willing captive.

  Jeremy walks into the kitchen and stops. “Did someone die? You guys look so serious.”

  “Nah, we’re talking about chicks,” Donovan informs him.

  “Oh, that explains it. Say no more.” He mimes zipping his lips. “On another note, anyone want to go to the women’s hockey game tonight?”

  Donovan perks up at the offer. “Yeah, I’ll go.”

  I don’t have anything else to do besides nailing down the next step in operation ‘win Clover back’. “I just realized I haven’t been to a single game of theirs.”

  “Me either,” Donovan adds.

  “Why not?” Jeremy looks surprised.

  “I don’t know. It never really occurred to me. Does that make me an asshole?” I ask.

  Jeremy nods. “It’s a little assholish for sure. Shouldn’t you guys be supporting the women’s team? They’re Terriers too.” I glance at Donovan, and he shrugs.

  “Yeah, we should be,” I agree. Look at me feeling guilty. Clover’s already influencing me. I’m becoming a better person with every passing second. I might reach sainthood by the time she forgives me.

  * * *

  We climb up the cement stairs and grab three empty seats next to the aisle. Heads swivel our way all around us. Guess it’s more obvious that we haven’t previously been to a game than we imagined.

  “Well, this is fun,” Donovan drolls.

  I adjust my ball cap. “Yeah, not awkward at all.”

  “I don’t know what you guys are talking about. This is freaking fantastic. I’ve never had so many attractive girls checking me out before.” Jeremy beams, basking in the attention.

  Donovan nudges my arm, pointing a couple of rows down to the left in front of us. “Isn’t that Clover and Maddie?”

  I smile and tick my head up and down. “Jackpot.” I start to rise and Donovan tugs me back down.

  “Maybe you should ignore her so you won’t screw up your good deed from this morning,” he suggests.

  “How can I screw it up?”

  “Dude, when has Clover been easy for you to please?”

  When she was under me I did just fine.

  “I get what you’re saying, but I may not have an opportunity to see her again anytime soon. Go big or go home, right?”

  Donovan shakes his head. “I think you need a new motto. How about tread lightly and say little? It kind of has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think?”

  “I’ve never really liked playing it safe.” Instead of watching the game, I’m watching Clover watch the game. As enjoyable as it is, it’s also a waste of time when I could be close enough to stare into her eyes and breathe in her scent.

  “Dude, it’s all about the finesse,” Donovan says, sounding convincing.

  “You know, I’d consider taking your advice if you had one iota of relationship experience. But you have less than I do.”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about. I just haven’t practiced it yet.”

  “You can be your own test dummy,” I tell him, standing. “Wish me luck, boys.”

  Donovan sighs. “You’re gonna need more than luck.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I bounce up and down on the hard seat. “This is so exciting. Why didn’t my parents get me involved in sports? I would’ve been awesome at slamming into other people.”

  Maddie laughs. “Your parents are too cerebral to appreciate sports.”

  “My parents are too something all right. I’m not sure what that something is, though.”

  “Maybe too happy,” Maddie says. “Is it really possible to be too happy?”

  My mind retreats to the time I spent at the cabin with Marshall. Those were the happiest days of my life, and they didn’t last.

  “I don't know. You tell me. You’re the one in love. Are you and Shaw too happy?”

  “No. As wonderful as our relationship has been, there are times I want to strangle him.”

  “Ooh, tell me more. I’m in a man-hating phase. Your stories will be like crack for me.” I rub my hands together.

  “He hogs the bed, he sleeps with the TV on, he can’t fold laundry to save his life, and he holds treats between his lips and lets Buddy eat them.” She shudders. “I can’t even watch because I know he’s going to kiss me with that same mouth.”

  Her absolute disgust has me giggling. “Come on. He loves Buddy so much, he makes up songs about him. A little spit swapping between the two of them isn’t going to bother him.”

  Maddie shudders again. “Buddy eats his own shit. I can’t even.”

  Someone slides into the vacant seat to my left, and my gaze skips over to find Marshall there.

  “Hi.” He smiles all the way from his lips to his eyes, and I lose my train of thought. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Ditto,” is all I manage to say. I prod Maddie with my elbow in a bony plea for help.

  “Hey, brother. What are you doing here?”

  “Jeremy asked Donovan and me to come with him. We figured it was long overdue since we’d never been to one of their games.”

  “Wow, a frat boy who supports others. What a novel idea,” I mock, my brain functioning again. I knew my snarky side wouldn’t let me down for long.

  “Thanks. I try,” he says.

  I roll my eyes. “I was referring to Jeremy. What’s he doing hanging out with you?”

  “Jeremy’s new to the hockey team. He transferred here from boondocks USA. But he’s cool.”

  Inhaling, I try to figure out where to begin. “Marshall, saying boondocks USA could be considered insulting to people who live in small towns.”

  “It’s just you two here. And you’re from the suburbs, so it’s all good.”

  Oh dear Lord.

  “Also, saying he’s cool despite where he’s from could also be insulting. Especially to people from that area.”

  “I don’t know anyone else from there. Just Jeremy, and he’s a cool s

  I look at Maddie and she’s biting her lip to hold back laughter. How can two siblings grow up in the same house and be completely different?

  Marshall taps me on the arm to gain my attention. “So, what did you think of your surprise this morning?”

  I draw my eyebrows lower and together. “What surprise?”

  “The coffee and donuts.”

  “Oh, that was from you?” I pretend I don’t know.

  “Yeah. Who did you think it was from?”

  “My ex, Connor. I just assumed they were from him. He was always thoughtful, and now we have a date tomorrow night.” His lower jaw drops open. “I guess I should thank you for getting us together again.”

  “I guess you better cancel it,” he says.

  “Why would I do that?”

  He pokes his chest with frustration. “Because I was the thoughtful one, not him.”

  “Well, you’re also pointing out the good deed you did. By doing that, you make it less selfless.”

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I did, because you thought it was from someone else.”

  “Marshall, go back to your friends,” Maddie jumps in. I catch her glowering at him and smile.

  He squeezes my thigh before rising. “I’m going to rejoin the guys. Enjoy your night.” He looks so morose, I almost confess that I was joking about my ex—but I don’t. He deserves to be punished a little. I’m considering it to be a tiny piece of the payback he should have coming his way. Good thing for him that my parents raised me not to be vengeful.

  He walks off, and I turn to Maddie. “Thanks for saving me.”

  “No thanks necessary. I want to support you in whatever way you need. I’m just glad you and I talked this morning and worked everything out.”

  “Me too.” I peer over my shoulder and find Marshall sitting next to Donovan before I face Maddie. “Do you think he took what I said about my ex too hard?”

  “No, this is Marshall. His ego needs a diet.”

  I tug on my lower lip with my teeth as a wave of guilt swallows me. “I’m a little ashamed of my behavior. I couldn’t keep the words from flying out of my mouth. And the opportunity to screw with him was too good to pass up.”

  “He’s a big boy. It’s about time someone put him in his place.” Maddie slaps her leg.

  We settle into watching the rest of the game, but the back of my head feels the weight of Marshall’s heavy stare. I wish things could be different.

  Why can’t we rewind time and go back to New Hampshire where everything suddenly made sense? Knowing it would be our only time to connect so deeply, I’d savor it more.

  The crowd gets loud and my focus glides back to the battle on the ice. A player from the other team has Piper against the boards as their sticks clash, fighting for the black disk like it’s made of gold. Piper shifts her weight, gaining some space between her and the other player. Swiping the puck, she skates full speed, shooting the puck into the back right corner of the net. Cheers erupting all over the arena, Maddie and I jump up and down.

  Piper glides by, staring into the crowd behind us. Her dark gaze is challenging, as if she’s saying take that, asshole. I’m gonna assume she’s throwing the silent taunt at Donovan. I snap my head his way and find his gaze following Piper as she gets high fives from her teammates.

  “Stop looking at my brother,” Maddie orders.

  Swiveling my head forward, I say, “I’m not. I was watching Donovan watch Piper.”

  Maddie takes a quick gander behind us. “That would explain why he’s here.”

  “Piper’s going to set him straight real quick,” I tell her.

  “Is there history there?” Maddie wonders.

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure what exactly. She never told me. But anyone who keeps a Terrier on his toes is good in my book.”

  “I prefer my Terrier on his knees with his dog-kissing mouth buried in my—”

  Shouts of celebration cut off Maddie. Piper scored again, placing the Terriers up by three goals. She also saved me from hearing gory details of Maddie’s sex life that I have no interest in knowing or thinking about. Some things should remain between couples, and I believe sex is one of them.

  * * *

  “You played amazing last night,” Maddie tells Piper.

  “Thanks. I had some extra motivation.”

  “I told Maddie you and Donovan have history. His eyes were glued to you during the game.”

  “He can look all he wants, but he’ll never have me,” she states with confidence.

  A knock on the door interrupts any replies we might’ve given. I glance at Maddie. “Are you expecting anyone else?”

  “No,” she replies quickly. Her too speedy response makes me suspicious.

  “I’ll see who it is,” I say, striding to the door. If it’s Marshall, I’ll just shut the door in his face. But it’s not him. It’s the delivery guy from my favorite Chinese restaurant. “Hey, Bai.” Yes, I’m on a first name basis with him. Don’t judge me.

  “Hi, Clover. Here’s your order.” He holds out a large paper bag ready to burst from all the food containers.

  “I didn’t call an order in.”

  “No, it’s a gift from,” he looks at the receipt, “Marshall Winters.”

  “Oh, wow.” This was unexpected. He hands me the receipt first and then the bag of food. “Thank you, Bai.”


  I nudge the door closed with my hip and carry the food to the kitchen. Rifling through the bag, I set container after container down on the table.

  “Oh my God, that smells incredible,” Maddie moans.

  “I hope you ordered a lot, because now that I’ve smelled it, I’m starving.” Piper rubs her stomach.

  “I didn’t order this. Marshall did.” Unfolding the receipt, I find a handwritten message.

  Clover, enjoy this dinner on me. I know you’d rather dump it over my head so you can literally enjoy it on me, but that would be a waste of great food. Thinking of you always—Marshall.

  Smiling, I shove the receipt in my pocket, telling myself I’ll throw it out later. Sure I will. “Dig in. There’s enough for ten people.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” Piper says, dishing out fried rice. “Marshall ordered all this food to surprise you?”

  I nod as I shovel chicken fingers onto my plate. “Yes. He thinks he can buy my forgiveness.”

  “He can buy mine.” Piper laughs.

  I nudge Maddie. “How did he know we’d be here for sure?”

  “He may have texted me earlier,” she admits.

  “Hey, traitor. Whose side are you on?”

  Maddie looks at me like I’m less than sane. “Why would I turn down this amazing food? I’m your best friend, but I’m not stupid. Besides, an opportunity for my brother to come out of pocket for something I get to enjoy was too good to pass up.”

  “I don’t think you should let him off the hook yet,” Piper interjects. “See what else you can get out of him.”

  “I like your devious mind.” Maddie high fives her.

  “I’m not forgiving him yet. His gestures are sweet, but he hurt me. It’ll take a lot for me to give him another chance.”

  * * *

  The next morning starts with a surprise quiz in my math class. I can’t do math on a good day, and when it’s sprung on me, the results are sure to be less than stellar.

  By lunch, all I want to do is head to my apartment for a nap. I’ve got a few hours until my next class. Jumping in my VW my parents purchased for me when I got my license, I think about the food leftover from last night that’s sitting in our fridge. My mouth waters with anticipation and my foot bears down on the gas pedal.

  At home, I find a package on the stairs addressed to me. What could this be? It’s nothing I ordered. There are no clues on the outside of the box, only the label with my name and address.

  Setting the package on the table, I grab a knife and slit open the tape. Reaching inside, I pull out a
round container that appears to be filled with M&M’s. On closer inspection, I realize they’re personalized. Some have my first name on them and some have Marshall’s name on them. Some say “forgive me”. And my favorite ones say “I was a jerk”. My lips reflexively spread into a smile. As great as the dinner was, this gift is my favorite so far. He put thought into this one. He had to search for a place to order from and decide what they should say.

  Pulling my phone from my backpack, I send him a text.

  Me: I love the M&M’s. Thank you.

  Seconds later, my phone chirps. Was he waiting for me to text?

  Marshall: You’re welcome. I’m glad you like them. Don’t eat them all at once or you’ll get a stomach ache.

  I laugh and reply.

  Me: No promises.

  I heat up some leftovers for lunch, and after I’ve eaten, I go to my room. Lying on my bed, I stare at the clear, round plastic container. As tempting as it is to open and devour them all, I’m not going to. It’s so sweet and so unlike Marshall.

  But is it really unlike him?

  He was kind and thoughtful with me before. I saw sides to him I never knew existed.

  Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off while thinking of Marshall. If I’m lucky, I’ll dream we’re back at the cabin and I’m happier than ever.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Is everything ready?” I ask. Donovan nods, but I’m not convinced. “Hoses are hooked up? Buckets are filled with water and soap and have sponges in them?”

  “Yes. It’s all done. Chill, dude,” he reassures me.

  “This car wash is always a decent money maker for us. I want to make sure we’re good to go. Cars are already lining up,” I explain.

  “Why anyone would pay twenty bucks to have their car half-assed washed by a bunch of jocks is beyond me,” Jeremy slips into the conversation.

  I hold one finger up. “First of all, they know it’s for the frat and people like to show their support.” I add another finger. “Second of all, we’re all out here half naked and who wouldn’t want to see that?”